What I’m Reading: All Marketers are Liars

All Marketers are Liars

What is the story that your company tells? It’s definitely an abstract question at first, but it is a pertinent concept to grasp for the success of your company’s ability to market itself. Written by Seth Godin, a man who plays too many roles in business to define just one, “All Marketers are Liars” is an interesting perspective on the new age of marketing (not advertising). Seth has a great blog, check it out if you haven’t already.He goes into detail about the importance of marketing, not advertising, your brand and company.


By telling stories to your customers that align with their world-view, allows you to speak their language and tailor to their tastes.Being able to communicate clearly with your customers is so key in marketing, but with all of the tips, tricks, and schemes out there for making money online, I think sometimes we may be looking at the small picture.What is creating a great business all about in my macro-perspective?

  • Having a great product, that is unique and useful to your customers.
  • Being able to connect with your customers intimately
  • Win-Win Scenario

-Having that product or service that is unique, and useful to your customers is a huge slice of the pie. If you want your customers to be interested in your pie of a company, the slice is going to have to taste great, look great, and be nutritional. Excuse my abstract analogy, but I think you get the point.

-Connecting with your customers is #1 priority. They are the folks that pay the bills. Connect with their world-view, and tell the story that they already want to tell themselves about your product. The person who does your taxes should be as concerned with how you feel and keeping your comfort level high, as they would be with the actual tax filing process.

-This isn’t always a must-have, but it is important to me. Having the situation end up where you, the company, are happy with the success you achieved, and your customers are happy with the product or service you have provided.

What would be the most effective way to get in touch with your blog readers? Do you really know them? Take the time to figure it out and take action, and you might just see results.

3 thoughts on “What I’m Reading: All Marketers are Liars

  1. So if I am going to buy a book this weekend, should I buy this one or “The New Rules of Marketing and PR”?

    I see the that “The Three” have mention both of these books this morning.

  2. Haha… I’ll have to pick up The Rules Of Marketing & PR, in that case. I’ve haad All Marketers Are Liars for a bit now and have been thouroughly impressed. Great review Matt!

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